Whitecote Primary School’s Offer
SEND - Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Whitecote Primary School has an inclusive ethos and works in partnership with children, parents and other agencies to provide the best possible educational outcomes. We have high expectations of all our children and put support in place at the earliest possible stage where needed.
All SEND provision is overseen and managed by the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) in school and is co-ordinated the Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinator (SENDCo). The SLT monitor, review and evaluate all SEND provision on a regular basis throughout the year and report to the school governing body on how individual needs are being met and SEND funding is being spent e.g. On specialist staffing and resources.
All our children are treated as individuals and our staff plan an appropriately differentiated curriculum for children with additional needs to ensure high quality teaching and learning with effective support. Individual Provision Maps (IPMs), and Education and Health Care Plans (EHCPs) are put in place and reviewed on a regular basis and adjusted so that children’s constantly changing needs are addressed. These plans are designed in conjunction with parents / carers and teaching staff so that each plan can be tailored to children’s individual needs. Interventions are reviewed and monitored, and regular assessments are made to ensure that children are on track to meet their outcomes and inform next steps.
Children are involved in the setting of their personal outcomes and review their progress alongside teachers and support staff. Parents are vital partners in the child’s journey through school and are invited to attend review meetings of their child’s progress three times a year or more often if needed and encouraged to engage in supporting learning in different ways.
An appropriate and accessible learning environment is provided within the schools means and confines of the building and adapted where possible with additional funding if available. All areas are accessible using ramps where wheelchairs are required and provisions have been made for children with difficulties including sight and hearing.
Staff in school are trained, and have worked alongside other professionals, to develop their skills, knowledge and expertise in specific areas of SEND e.g. speech and language, dyslexia and Autism. Support is sought from other agencies where necessary in order to maximise learning potential, e.g. Speech and Language service, Occupational Health service, Childhood and Mental Health Service (CAMHS), Leeds Community Healthcare ; local authority services e.g school improvement, educational psychologists; cluster services, e.g. behaviour support, family outreach etc are all used.
Whitecote Primary School welcomes enquiries from parents to discuss their children’s needs so that an informed decision can be made regarding the best setting for their children’s education.
The school’s policies are available on our website and reflect the school’s commitment to inclusion, safety and well-being of children.
Main contacts:
Headteacher: Mrs Frances Stead
SENDCo: Mrs Jemma Lockwood
Assistant SENDCo: Mrs Karen Johnstone
Family and Pastoral Manager: Mrs Tracey Tweed
Frequently Asked Questions From Parents And Carers
What do I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?
If you would like to talk to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinator (SENDCO) , Mrs Lockwood, or the assistant SENDCO, Mrs Johnstone, you can also speak to the office to book an appointment.
The class teacher will also speak to you if they feel your child needs extra support. If you are worried, talk to your child’s teacher, they will always be willing to spend time with you and discuss your child’s needs.
If the class teacher is not available, ask to make an appointment with them at the office.
How will school support my child and the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?
The teacher will use differentiated activities, resources, and offer feedback and support.
In addition, your child may receive some small group or individual support from a Teaching Assistant (TA), teacher or specialist.
How will I know how well my child is doing and how will you help me support my child’s learning?
Parents are kept informed through parents’ evenings and meetings when the need arises. Alternatively, the teaching staff will be able to discuss your child at a suitable time after the school day.
What support will there be for my child’s overall well –being?
In addition to support from the class teacher and TA we also have an inclusion team, with specialist knowledge, who will be able to help or find help from the authorities' support teams and other professionals when the need arises.
What specialist services and expertise are available or accessed by the school?
We have access to a wide variety of support which covers every aspect of need. These include: School Nurses, Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Therapist, Leeds City Council SEND Team, Targeted and Mental Health Services (TAMHS), Teachers for the Deaf, Visually Impaired Teams, Cluster Parent Support Advisor and Cluster Pupil Counsellor.
What training are the staff supporting children with SEND having/had?
Staff have had a wide range of training including speech and language, dyslexia, epilepsy, gastronomy peg training, moving and handling, attachment disorder, working memory, dyspraxia, Down's syndrome, SEMH, and neurodiverse differences.
How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom?
We complete risk assessments and include all children in all activities where it is safe for them to do so.
How accessible is the school?
We have disabled access to all areas of school with ramps and are also able to help children with mobility and sight difficulties. We also have a care suite for children with a higher degree of need.
How will the school help my child on transfer to the next phase of education?
We have transition procedures in place and good links with other schools, particularly with the local specialist provision and high schools. Our procedures always involve children and parents at every stage.
How are the school resources allocated and matched to children’s SEND?
The school is funded on a national formula per pupil. Schools are expected to find the first £6,000 from within the school’s budget to support children and young people with SEND who are on the school’s inclusion register. The school can apply for an educational, health, care, needs assessment (EHCNA) which comes with ‘top-up funding‘, based on strict criteria, if it is felt that a child’s needs are above that which can be provided by the £6,000. The school uses the funds to put appropriate support in place to meet the specific needs of a child.
How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive?
A relevant group of people including parents, teachers and other professionals meet to discuss and plan the support required on an individual basis. The inclusion team and teaching staff will then ensure that the appropriate provision is put in place for the child.
How are parents involved in the school and how can I be involved?
The school has an open door policy and welcomes parental involvement. The Governing Body have parent governors who act as a link between the school and all parents. Parents are also informed regularly about events taking place in school through weekly newsletters, open days and project days. Parents are invited into the school to take part in workshops, training sessions, celebration assemblies and various performances and concerts throughout the year.
Who can I contact for further information?
Who would be the first point of contact if:
a) I am considering applying for a place?
If you want a place in our nursery please contact the school directly (0113 2164800).
For Reception Leeds City Council children's services (0113 2224414).
If you want to move your child / children to Whitecote from another school contact the school directly.
b) I wish to discuss something about my child?
Please contact the class teacher or the inclusion team.
c) I want information about other support services?
Mrs Lockwood, Mrs Johnstone or Mrs Tweed from the inclusion team.
d) I want information about the local authority’s Local Offer?
Leeds City Council website will provide you with the information you need. Click the link below for the Leeds Local Offer.