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Year 3

Hello and welcome to the Year 3 webpage!


3 Spruce

Miss Wright (teacher)

Miss Packer



3 Yew

Miss Hulley (teacher)

Miss Dennis

Miss Humphreys

Autumn 1 - Events & Trips 

We have had a busy first half term in Year 3! One of our highlights from this term was our Spanish Day. We enjoyed taking part in different activities such as: flamenco dancing, creating art work inspired by Picasso and tasting Spanish Palmerita biscuits. We have also recently been on an exciting trip to Magna to support our learning in class on rocks & soils. As part of the day, we took part in a workshop on volcanoes and we used modelling clay to create a model volcano! We enjoyed taking part in an experiment using baking soda and vinegar to understand what happens when a volcano erupts. 


Reading at home is very important. Please encourage your child to read aloud on an evening and discuss what they have read. You can support your child by asking them questions about what they have read, help them to make predictions and explore what a character is thinking and feeling. 

Please add a brief note (in the reading record) detailing the date and the page they have reached. 


Spellings are set each Friday and should be practiced at home for the test the following week.

It is really important that pupils work on their multiplication facts (times tables) at home. When working with your child, please remember that each fact must be learnt – For example:  3x5=15, 4x5=20.

We will be continuing to practise our recall of these times table facts in our Maths lessons. It would be really helpful if your child could practise the 2, 5 and 10 times tables at home to support their learning in class. 

Please note: Each child has an account on ‘Times Tables Rockstars’ (login details can be found in the front of your child’s reading diary) that they can access at home - there is also a 'Times tables Rockstars' app that you can download to your phone or tablet 


Wednesday (Indoor), Thursday (outdoor)

Please note: Children should come to school in their PE kits on PE days and will spend all day in these.

Autumn 2 - Iron Age & Bronze Age

In writing, we will be covering the following text types: setting description, character description, biography, narrative and poetry. 

In reading, we will be focusing on the following texts: The Firework Makers Daughter & The Boy with the Bronze Axe. 

In maths, we will continue with adding and subtracting 3 digit numbers before moving on to multiplication and division using the 3, 4 and 8 times tables. In our weekly arithmetic lessons, we will continue to focus on written methods for the four different operations and we will be working on our quick recall of times tables facts.

In science, we will be learning about light. We will focus on: why light is needed to see things, how shadows are formed and how light is reflected, understanding why it is important to protect our eyes and how the sun can be dangerous. Throughout our topic, we will also learn how to set up scientific investigations and we will learn how to plan a fair test. 

In Design Technology, we will be making our own Iron Age villages. We will create suitable design criteria for this project and we will select suitable materials for this task. At the end of our unit, we will evaluate our finished products against our design criteria and consider ways in which we can improve. 

In PE, we will focus on working as a team and we will be developing our throwing and catching skills in our lessons on handball. We will understand how to catch a ball securely and safely and learn about different types of passes. This term, we will also learn how to play football and we will develop our skills in understanding how to pass and receive a ball. 

In Computing, we will continue to learn about coding. 

In Music, we will continue to learn how to play the recorder. 

In Spanish, we will learn instructions and numbers 1-20.

In PSHE, we will be learning how to keep safe online. 

Spring 2

This term, we have been reading 'Alice in Wonderland' and we have written our own Adventure Stories and character descriptions. We really enjoyed using descriptive language to bring our stories to life! In Maths, we have been working hard to practise our times tables and we have been learning how to add, subtract and work out how to find equivalent fractions. During science week, we learnt about how shadows are made and we created our own shadow puppets! We have also enjoyed designing and making our own sandwiches this term! 


Maths Curriculum